“God is not something to be toyed with. He will not fit into our plans. But we can fit into his, and they are glorious plans indeed.” -Dallas Willard

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Whether we can articulate it or not, we're all looking for something significant. We want our lives to mean something instead of just existing. If simply existing is the point, then what's the point?

There is something significant you can be a part of.

But please don't misunderstand; Compass isn't the thing we’re talking about. Compass just gets to be a part of it. That significant thing is what God is doing in and through you. And every time, that thing starts with a "yes."

What is Starting Point?

Think about the best story you’ve ever heard. It could be one a friend or family member told you. It could be a book you’re reading or a movie you lost yourself in. Stories move us. There is a story being written right now. Plot twists, epic battles, overwhelming love, this story has it all and then some. It’s the most remarkable story ever told, and you and I get to be a part of it.

Starting Point is a 4-part experience designed to engage deeper in this story. Each part will dive deeper into the four core practices of Compass so that we might lose ourselves in God’s grand narrative.

Navigate: Discover Story

Navigate: Discover Story

Knowing your story is so incredibly significant. Story is the most universal form of communication throughout history. Our brains are actually hardwired to take in information through story. Your story may be the best tool to share your faith.

Engage: Discover Belonging

Engage: Discover Belonging

“The completion of my human identity consists in what can only be found in understanding, being connected to, and appreciating the humanity of others who are different than me.” -Tim Mackie, The Bible Project

Serve: Discover Purpose

Serve: Discover Purpose

For too long the Church as a whole throughout history has been known for what it is against. We want to rewrite that story. We want the Church to be known for what it is FOR.

Worship: Discover Priority

Worship: Discover Priority

Sustain: to give support or relief to; to supply with sustenance; keep up, prolong. What happens when you pour out and never refill? What happens when you start a fire but never add any more fuel to it? You run dry, you burn out. Learn how to supply with sustenance.

Register for Starting Point

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Brooks Talbott
Online Campus & MidCities Associate Pastor
Mitch Sugg
Roanoke Associate Pastor
Amanda Grella
NFW Next Steps Pastor
Heidi Miller
Colleyville Next Steps Pastor